Our lives now include living at one of the nicest senior communities in the USA. Rossmoor in Walnut Creek, CA. We will still travel in the RV but not full time.

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We could not get tickets to House of Blues concerts but Thursday night dinner was 2 for $22.  We had prime rib and shrimp pasta.  Sandy of the new friends was sick so our Michigan travelers went with us.  Those of my readers from Point Richmond will enjoy the fact that Don in the pictures here is a long time small theatre actor like some of you there in Richmond.  He was absolutely fun and funny.  Darlene is sharp as can be and all our time with them was spectacular and easy.

Halloween was a celebration at a lovely clubhouse where we were staying.  In one of the blogs I have a photo of a little halloween dressed up dog, who was wheeled around by a couple who handed out doggy treats to those of us with.

In the 80’s Russ and I went to New Orleans with the Wrights, Jeff McCreary and other good El Dorado colleagues.  We loved House of Blues and Russ wore his House of Blues jacket for years.  Sadly they did not sell jackets now.  But I have a great shirt for my newest grand nephew.   It was cool there but when we left for Charleston, just two hours south, we arrived in warmer weather and certainly are enjoying this KOA.  We will stay here through the 21st and then they are full for Thanksgiving.  Russ says that someone will cancel, cause we are going to be here for awhile as the parts will have to be ordered  for the RV and then put in.  So we are double booked after that to be sure we have a place.

Drove into the historical Charleston yesterday and went to a Welcome Center and got all kinds of Ideas from a very nice young man.  So we plan to slow down, enjoy, get my hair done! and generally live with southern accents and all that goes with it.  Saw my first trees with moss hanging and was visiting on the phone with Dad at that time-“Dad I really am in the South”.

Miss all my friends and family a lot.  Think of you one by one all the time.

Vote and help New Jersey, New York, etc.  Bless you each and every one.

Comments on: "House of Blues Myrtle Beach Style" (1)

  1. Heather Williams said:

    Hi Russ and kristi sounds and looks like u are having a blast on your adventures. You guys give us all strength to know it is possible to step outside ones comfort zone and press forward to follow your dreams. Continue to enjoy. We are thinking of you. Heather

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