Our lives now include living at one of the nicest senior communities in the USA. Rossmoor in Walnut Creek, CA. We will still travel in the RV but not full time.

Posts tagged ‘Charleston’

Pretty Cold in Charleston SC

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Yesterday in Charleston was cold and overcast  with a bit of sun.  Last night Russ and I cuddled all night.  (TMI?) Today we went back into the city and enjoyed being in warmer sunshine.  We walked South on King Street enjoying the old buildings with modern business in them-ie Chico’s.  Our idea was to catch a Trolley and we thought go sight seeing.  Well it turns out that the trolly acts more like a bus in the main historical districts, people get on and off and there is no lovely voice telling you what you are seeing.  Now when you add to that-that I ran to catch the trolley that Russ was trying to hold for me (that’s improvement!) and as a result crunched the knees and am sitting here in the RV with iced knees-OMG!

Charleston really is a lovely city and we are just plain enjoying  being here.  We are waiting on motorhome parts and insurance getting it together to order parts and fix the RV

Anyone got a good book that I should read?   I am searching for something really good.

Forgot to comment on the photos.  I want to buy the orange house on Broad Street.  I love all the houses that keep gas lights going outside.  Also, you can really imagine the city over one hundred years ago.  The narrow streets make San Francisco’s look wide.